Current Ruminations From The Product's Illustrious Inventor!

Claudettes are on the move

Claudette is determined to make some money (holiday season or no holiday season), so she’s got us on the move. We are obligated to play drums and piano for her here:

Thurs. Dec. 15: Innertown Pub, Chicago, IL. Free show.

Fri. Dec. 16: Mac’s Bar, Lansing, MI (18 & up, with Flatfoot and Gentleman’s Club).

Sat. Dec. 17: early all-ages Flint Local 432 show at Lunch Studio, Flint, MI. With The Loose Ties, Marriages, Chris Thibodea. 7 to 11 p.m.

Sat. Dec. 17: late 18-and-up show at Churchill’s, Flint, MI, with DJ Michael A. Claudette has arranged so that we play at midnight.

Wed. Jan. 11: The Whistler, Chicago, IL. With Man Is Man

Jan. 12 to 14: probably Milwaukee, Ft. Wayne (IN), Lafayette (IN), maybe Kalamazoo. More soon.

Also working out an Empty Bottle show and also Blockbuster Video (Action-Adventure aisle).

Event invites are all over Facebook. Search “Claudettes.”

See you?


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The Claudettes’ debut!

We (ig and Michael Caskey) are the Claudettes. Our piano/drums show might remind you of all these: Bobby Timmons, Mose Allison, Ray Charles, Les McCann, Minutemen, Meat Puppets, Hoagy Carmichael, Otis Spann, Prof. Longhair, Raymond Scott. In any case, we have our debut Thurs. Oct. 13 at The Tonic Room, 2447 N. Halsted, Chicago. Music starts at 9, Claudette insists that we begin to play at 11:00. She will be advertising her famous, outlandish drink specials and just pretty much keeping us in line. We are her house band, but she lost her lease to Claudette’s and she now takes us around to wherever she can set up her bar and “sell her budweisers.” On this night, it will be The Tonic Room (and it will be Claudette’s). In December, we’ll all be taking Claudette’s to another bar in Chicago and also into Michigan. Come and see!

Hi, Claudette! Yes, Ma’am, we will be on time this time!


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oh my god & John Martyn

All About Jazz reviewed the new John Martyn tribute 2-CD set that oh my god is proud to be on (along with Beck, Snow Patrol, Morcheeba, Robert Smith, Swell Season, Vetiver, Vashti Bunyan…). We get a really nice mention. Look and see!:​p/article.php?id=40121


Rolling Stone gave it a really nice review, too. You must listen to that Robert Smith track posted there. Beautiful.

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Operating under the nom de clavier I.M.O.K.R.U.O.K., I recorded an EP of madcap solo synth stuff in early 2011. It’s called The Synth Strummer. You should hear it. Listen to a few of the nine tracks on my rock jukebox, or do the right thing and add them to your collection by visiting my Bandcamp page now!

Welcome! Please remove your shoes.

Welcome to my neighborhood, hoss! I have some very interesting shows coming up. I’ve also recorded a whole lotta recent stuff during oh my god’s months-long hiatus. Listen on the rock and blues jukeboxes. OK, I’m in charge of cleaning the cats’ litter box (that’s a lie), gotta go. But I’ll be back soon (that’s the truth). Please be aware: many of the thoughts that I post here will have to do with the Philadelphia Phillies.

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