As I charmingly stated on the Performance Bill page, “It’s a Very COVID Christmas.” I’d usually be playing every venue everywhere, and jet-setting with the best of ’em…but not in 2020. Home and safe I am staying (why am I Yoda all of a sudden? IS THAT A SYMPTOM?).
BUT: JOHNNY IGUANA’S CHICAGO SPECTACULAR! has been doing great things, like charting #4 nationally on the Roots Music Report’s Blues Album chart, and #3 nationally on the Living Blues chart, and charting in the Top 10 on many a radio station across the land…

And in Italy!

The JOHNNY IGUANA’S CHICAGO SPECTACULAR! band is planning to play shows in 2021, and the Claudettes will commence with the copious “High Times in the Dark” touring that COVID robbed from us in 2021. So, if this virus packs up and leaves town like we’re hoping it will, I’ll be gettin’ around a lot in 2021.
Love to you all. Stay home and keep safe. Take lots of chances after this Weird Green Fog lifts, but not until then, OK, buddies?